Vladimir Herta / Hertza (1868 – 1924)

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Lawyer, politician, vice-president of the Moldavian National Party and the Moldavian Cultural Society; considered the “spiritual father of the Country Council”, he played an important role in the act of the Union. He was chairman of the Moldavian School Commission and participated in the Congress of Bessarabian Teachers in May 1917. He was mayor of Chisinau between 1918 and 1919, replacing mayor Carol Schmidt (the longest-serving mayor of the city, who opposed the union); member of the Romanian delegation at the Peace Conference in Paris (1919-1920); with a good knowledge of Bessarabia’s history and owning a collection of rare documents, he founded the Romanian League of Bessarabia in 1919.

From his intervention at the Congress of Moldavian Teachers – “Moldavian Teachers and Political Work”, 1917