Bucovinean Romanian, political leader, historian, Doctor in Philology and Letters of the University of Vienna, professor of history at the University of Cernăuţi, participant as a guest in Chisinau at the Country Counsel which has voted the Union of Bessarabia with Romania; leader of the national struggle in Bucovina, found in 1918 at Iasi „the Committee of the Bucovinian refugees“, at Chisinau together with Octavian Goga, the National Committee of Romanians from Transylvania and Bucovina learn in Moldavia and Bessarabia; militant and voter of Union; is part of the delegation that lead to Iasi the Union Act; Minister Secretary of State for the problems of Bucovina, brand history, Minister in several governments of Great Romania. The symbol of Bucovina and of the national struggle was arrested by Communists in 1950 and detained until 1955 in Sighet.