Politician; he studied law in Moscow and agronomy in Pari; Revolutionary Provincial Commissioner of Bessarabia; realizing the danger represented by the incorporation of Bessarabia into Ukraine, he went to Kiev along with Pantelimon Erhan, where he contested this plan and negotiated with Kerenski the autonomy of Bessarabia. He was elected deputy in the Country Council on behalf of the Third Congress of the Peasant Delegates; member of the Commission for the Fight against Anarchy and for Supplies; deputy in the Romanian Parliament and minister for Bessarabia in the Iorga government (1931-1932); Mayor of Chisinau (1938-1940); he fled to Austria in 1944, but was arrested by the NKVD and taken to the Soviet Union; sent back to Romania, he was imprisoned in the Vacaresti prison, where he died.