Politician, member of the Socialist Revolutionary Party; he came from Petrograd at Kerenski’s urge and was elected in the Country Council by the Peasants’ Provincial Soviet; he was an active member and spoke at the opening of the Country Council. He was elected as leader of the first cabinet of the Republic on December 7, 1917. He called for the intervention of the Entente and the Romanian Army to stabilize the situation. He was brought before a revolutionary court and forced by the Bolsheviks, under threat of death, to sign a protest telegram against the entry of the Romanian troops into Bessarabia. He was saved from death by Mihail Popa, the commander of the 1st Moldavian regiment. He voted for the Union and became General Director (Minister) of Education for Bessarabia; he was senator in the Parliament of Romania. In 1940 he left for Bucharest, where he lived until 1971.