Nicolae Ion Bosie-Codreanu (1887-1963)

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Son, a Bessarabian politician. He was a member of the Country Council alongside his father, Nicholas Bosie-Codreanu (1859-1926). Both voted for the union. If his father was station chief at Cazatin in Hotin County, his son was a graduate of the Polytechnic Institute in Kiev. Elected in December 1917 General Director of Communications of Bessarabia, deputy from the railroad, elected chairman of the Mandate Commission. Member of the Moldavian National Party, he was part of the Country Councils, the faction of the Moldovan Bloc. In January 1918 he was part of the delegation that went to Iasi to ask for the help of the Romanian government. He voted on the Union on 27 March 1918. After the union he continued his career in CFR, being CFR operating director, and headed the Bucharest Bessarabian Circle.